Cornerstone is learning to live with Jesus to live like Jesus. To that end, our men and women are encouraged to go to bible studies, annual events, and support groups geared specifically for them to be rooted in Christ and connected to one another. We also provide leadership training to facilitate missional communities that practice living the up, in, and out rhythm of Jesus.
These groups can change and new groups from throughout the year, so please contact Luke Smith at for more information.
These groups can change and new groups from throughout the year, so please contact Luke Smith at for more information.
Current Opportunities
Parent(s) Grief Support Group–5:30pm (3rd Tuesday of Month)
Support for those who have lost a child.
Contact: Susan Rieb (605)237-3791
- Men’s Fellowship Breakfast—6:45-7:45 AM @ CUMC Fireside Rm
- Ladies Study: 9:30-11:00 AM @ CUMC Fireside Rm
This community of men meets weekly to share a meal and devotion, have real conversation, and find accountability. You will walk away encouraged and ready for your day. Contact Larry Keyes @ 881-8959 more information.
Men Moving Forward—6:30-7:30 AM @ CUMC Fireside Rm
Whether you are just getting started on your journey in the Lord or have been journeying for years, join these men as we learn how to read the Bible and pray effectively. Contact Pastor Steve @ 886-2242 for more information
Bible Study Resources
Cornerstone offers access to a bible study website, “”, with comprehensive study options at your convenience. Contact Luke Smith at for log-in information. We also have numerous studies that can be checked out from the church office.